1 K35-950116A (with center slip) Right Hand Stack
*K35-950116 (without center slip) Right Hand Stack
2 K189-1 Right Hand Muffler
3 K35-950133 Tailpipe
4 K35-950118A (with center slip) Left Hand Stack
*K35-950118 (without center slip) Left Hand Stack
5 K186-1 Left Hand Muffler
*all of the above exhaust parts are approved by the Aviation authority for modification, and Knisley Welding protects new and overhaul exhaust parts against workmanship defects under conditions of ordinary use, for a service period of one year with no limit to the amount of hours that the part in question has been used.
So when you need high quality exhaust parts for your Beechcraft plane or any number of aircraft models, check out our online catalogue for details on the hundreds of parts we offer, and don’t hesitate to give us a call when you have any questions!